COROS Battery is supplying high quality Lithium Batteries and Solutions as follows;
Lithium Primary Batteries
– 3.6V Li-SOCl2 (Lithium Thionyl Chloride) Batteries, Bobbin & Spirally wound type
– 3.9V Li-SO2Cl2 (Lithium Sulfuryl Chloride) Batteries, Bobbin & Spirally wound type
– Li-SOCl2+HPC, LIC or EDLC (Supercapacitor)
– 3.0V Li-MnO2 (Lithium Manganese Dioxide) Batteries, Bobbin & Spirally wound type
Lithium Rechargeable Batteries
Li-ion Rechargeable Batteries
Li-polymer rechargeable Batteries
LICs (Lithium Ion Capacitors) & EDLCs (Supercapacitors)
– Lithium Ion Capacitors (LICs): Brand new energy storage capacitors with combination of EDLC and Li-Ion battery benefits replacing conventional EDLC, Supercapacitors and Li-Ion batteries, 3.8V, 1.5F~4000F, high capacitance of 30~40KF
– EDLCs (Supercapacitors): 2.7V (5.4V), 0.03~700F
– Reflowable EDLCs (Supercapacitors): 2.7V, 0.1F~5.0F for SMT
* Bigger capacitance upon request